Suspected vandal (Photo from security video)
Update: 11:55 a.m. Thursday --Detroit police said Wednesday night that the suspect had been arrested for malicious destruction of property, WWJ reports. His name was not immediately released.
A man wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt bearing the word "Manic," threw an outdoor chair through the front window of Cafe D'Mongo's Speakeasy on Griswold in downtown Detroit early Sunday morning after the popular club had closed.
The bar's security camera captured the incident, which took place at 3:44 a.m., according to a time stamp on the video. (See first video below)
The video shows the man throwing the chair and then running off. A short time later, at 4:34 a.m., a passerby enters the club for a couple minutes before leaving with $6. Originally, the owner said he left emptyhanded. (See second video below)
Bar owner Larry Mongo said he and staff had left the club about a half hour before. He said he got a call from the security company, ADT, saying that someone had broken into the club. The security company then called police, which have yet to catch the vandal.
Mongo said he doesn't recognize the chair-thrower as a customer. He also said it doesn't appear that the second person who entered the club briefly was working with the vandal.
Mongo said the second person, who entered the club, had been around earlier in the evening and pulled his pants down in the street, squatted and was about to go to the bathroom, but customers hollered at him and he ran off.
He said Sunday that the window has been boarded up for the time being.
First video: Man throws chair through window.
Second video: Another man climbs through the broken window.